Up here is a picture of the Toco Toucan




     1) Gorilla- They are manly found in Africa’s tropical rainforests. Their hands are much like human feet. They are covered in brownish-blackish coarse fur. They eat many things like: flowers, fruits, and leaves. They can eat 50 pounds of food per day. That’s a lot of food.

     2) Red eyed tree frog- They live in land or water. They get their names from there extremely red eyes. They have a green body with blue sides and yellow stripes. This frog eats insects and sometimes eats other small frogs.

     3) Bengal tiger- its color is orange and brown. And it is white on the cheeks, mouth, and eyebrows. It has long black stripes on it. The Bengal tiger is very sneaky.

     4) The dawn bat-south East Asian bat. It is very small. They have long delicate snouts. The snouts make them look like dogs. Their ears are small and pointed and their eyes are small and round. 

     5)Toco Toucan- it is the largest of all the toucans. Its bill is bright orange and black it can grow to be about 8 inches. Its wings are short and rounded. And it is usually black with a little bit of white scarlet and yellow.

                                                          red eyed frog                             dawn bat                                   gorilla                                bengal tiger

                                                      http://t2.gstatic.com               www.wildborneo.com.my   http://news.mongabay.com   tioharimrtie.blogspot.com



here is a picture of one of the many orchids that grow in tropical rain forests

1. Bengal bamboo- it can be found in the Southeast Asian rainforest. It grows very well in damp areas with a lot of rainfall. Can grow from 40 to 80 feet in height.

2. Orchid- they are very common flowers in tropical areas. Orchids come in many beautiful colors. They each have three petals and three petal-like leaves.

3. Lianas- they don’t need much sunlight to grow. Their growth begins on the floor and then they wrap around neighboring plants and trees for support. And when they reach the top flowering and vegetation usually happens.

4. Carnivores pitcher plant-the majority of them are found in Southeast Asia. It eats insects that fly into its mouth when looking for food.

5. Strangler fig- starts its life high up in the trees. It is carried by birds and monkeys who eat the plant down to the forest floor. There they grow. The little tree is surrounded by trees and later on suffocates.

                                                   carnivores pitcher plant                     strangler fig                               liana                                 bengal bamboo

                                                      travel.mongabay.com               rainforest-australia.com   www.fredhoogervorst.com    biomesfirst11.wikispaces.com

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